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Eating disorders and depression may be triggered by some challenging situations where individuals struggle to manage their stress. Isabel Jansen, a behavioural psychologist at Fontenay-sous-Bois, provides personalized support to patients prone to such disorders.

Both adolescents and adults can suffer from eating and depressive disorders. I welcome patients of all ages in my practice to remedy these pathologies with brief therapies.

What are the causes of eating disorders?

In general, eating disorders occur in adolescence and adults. Anorexia, bulimia and bulimic hyperphagia are all scourges that plague industrialized societies, especially young people. There may be a link between depression and these disorders. However, the latter can also simply be explained by a state of stress or the pressure exerted by the consumer society, which encourages slimming by various means (magazines, advertising, products, etc.).

Acting quickly when depressive disorders appear

Depressive disorders, on the other hand, result in mood swings, continuous fatigue, low self-esteem, insomnia and suicidal tendencies. It is essential to know how to detect the first signs and to refer the person prone to these disorders to a psychologist. I am specialized in behavioural disorders, eating disorders, depressive disorders and assertiveness training in Fontenay-sous-Bois, in the Val-de-Marne (94). I support children, adolescents and adults to get past this period and to alleviate these symptoms, which reflect a certain malaise.

The psychologist's mission is to help you overcome depression and eating disorders.

The capabilities of Isabel Jansen :

  • Certified Training in Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (AFTCC)
  • Diploma in occupational psychology (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)
  • Certified training in hypnosis (AFEHM)

Sometimes it is necessary to have the support of a psychologist. Help yourself or your loved one in case of eating disorders and depression.